The Future

The orchestra is looking for organizations to underwrite the on-going financial needs of the group such as music, materials, advertising, printing, telephone, travel expenses, music racks/stand, lighting and orchestra jackets on a sustained, annual basis.  All funding is raised through contributions and by individual efforts and local organizations and businesses. 

The Auburn Youth Symphony Board is also seeking organizations to underwrite annual scholarships for deserving, financially needy Youth Orchestra members who have difficulty in meeting the assocaiated costs of membership including musical materials and instruments if necessary.  A grant was written and approved for $1000 from Hewlett Packard Co. on May 11, 1992 and $300 to purchase music stands and clip on stand lights in 1994.  A grant for $2500 was received from Pac Bell in 1999.

Mentors:  From time to time professional musicians with the Auburn Symphony and other musical groups in the foothills have donated their time to practice with, perform alongside and offer guidance to members of the Auburn Youth Symphony.  The Board is grateful to the following mentor of the AYS: Gary Howe-percussion, Nancy Ewing Wood-Violin, Coral-Sims-Viola, Phyllis Miller-Cello, Dr. Jim Willis M.D. - Oboe.